30-31 May 2023

30-31 May 2023

1.A novel thermal desalination system which can work using solar energy has been  developed by which of the following organisations?
B) IIT,Karagpur
C) IIT,Madras
2.The new exoplanet, discovered by an international team of scientists has mass 13 times than that of which planet?
A) Venus
B) Jupiter
C) Saturn
D) Neptune
3.Who chaired the 2nd meeting of the Apex Monitoring Authority constituted to review the activities of National Industrial Corridor Development and Implementation Trust (NICDIT)?
A) Prime minister
B) Ministry of Commerce & Industry
C) Union Finance and Corporate Affairs Minister
D) Vice Chairman, NITI Aayog
4.The theme for World Multiple Sclerosis(MS) Day 2020-2023 is
A) ‘I Connect, We Connect’
B) MS Connections
C) Connections
D) None of the above
5.When is World Multiple Sclerosis (MS) Day celebrated?
A) 27 May
B) 28 May
C) 29 May
D) 30 May
6.Where is Country’s first-ever Vedic theme park located?
A) Noida
B) Delhi
C) Mumbai
D) Madurai