Published on: September 28, 2023

Disease X

Disease X

Why in news? Global health specialists have issued a warning, suggesting Disease X could become next Pandemic


What is Disease X?

  • Disease X refers to pathogen, (known/potentially unknown) that can cause large scale, serious pandemic leading to mass scale human disease
  • It is possibly and plausibly caused by a ‘pathogen X’.
  • Disease could be related to zoonotic disease likely from a RNA virus, emerging from epidemiological triad.

What are the Prevention strategy to be followed?

  • Containment and mitigation strategies involve development and implementation of uniform international guidelines to control bioterrorism
  • Immediate and appropriate travel restrictions including strict airport screening requires to be implemented to contain the spread of pathogen X across borders.
  • Concentrated efforts to accelerate the access, rapid availability of immediate medical measures – test kits, vaccines, and first aid required before and during the pandemic.