Published on: January 25, 2024



NEWS – The Lake Retba’s waters are virtually devoid of life and are on the verge of disappearing due to pollution and mining

Also known as Lac Rose, is a unique and stunning natural wonder located in Senegal, West Africa. What sets this lake apart is its remarkable pink color, which is a result of the presence of a particular type of algae and high salt content in the water.

  1. Pink Color: The distinctive pink hue of Lake Retba is primarily due to the presence of Dunaliella salina, a type of pink-colored algae. The lake’s color is most vivid during the dry season, from November to June, when the water evaporates, leaving behind a higher concentration of salt and algae.
  2. Salt Content: Lake Retba is known for its exceptionally high salt content, similar to the more famous Dead Sea. The salt concentration can reach up to 40% in some parts of the lake, making it one of the saltiest bodies of water in the world. Local communities have been involved in traditional salt harvesting from the lake for many years.
  3. Location: Lake Retba is situated about 35 kilometers northeast of Dakar, the capital city of Senegal. It is located on the Cape Vert Peninsula, and its proximity to the Atlantic Ocean contributes to its unique characteristics.
  4. Economic Significance: The salt extraction industry is a crucial economic activity around Lake Retba. Salt workers, often women, collect the salt from the lake’s bottom, creating stunning geometric patterns on the water’s surface. The harvested salt is used for various purposes, including food preservation and local trade.
  5. Tourist Attraction: The captivating pink color of Lake Retba, coupled with its salt flats and unique landscape, attracts tourists and photographers from around the world. Visitors often take boat tours to explore the lake and witness the labor-intensive process of salt harvesting.
  6. Environmental Considerations: While Lake Retba’s unique color and salt content make it a fascinating natural phenomenon, the ecological balance of the lake is delicate. Changes in climate and human activities, including salt harvesting, can impact the lake’s ecosystem. Efforts are being made to ensure sustainable practices to preserve the beauty of Lake Retba for future generations.