9 MAY 2024

9 MAY 2024

1.Which state is the leading producer of arecanut in India?
A. Kerala
B. Karnataka
C. Tamil Nadu
D. Assam
2. What is the potential risk associated with ultra-processed foods?
A. Risk of heart diseases
B. Reduced nutritional value
C. Accelerated ageing
D. Higher prevalence of diabetes
3.How much does India aim to increase its renewable capacity by 2030?
A. Triple
B. Double
C. Quadruple
D. Halve
4.What is the name of the gene associated with the mutation causing LCA?
C. CEP290
D. EDIT-101
5. What is the primary mode of transmission of West Nile Virus (WNV) to humans?
A. Direct human-to-human contact
B. Consuming contaminated food or water
C. Infected mosquito bites
D. Airborne droplets