Published on: June 3, 2024



NEWS – China’s space agency said that China landed an uncrewed spacecraft on the far side of the moon



  • Mission Name: Chang’e-6
  • Purpose: Retrieve rocks and soil from the far side of the moon.
  • Significance: Elevates China’s status in global space exploration.
  • Landing Site: South Pole-Aitken Basin on the far side of the moon.
  • Launch Vehicle: Chinese Long March-5 rocket.
  • Launch Site: Wenchang Space Launch Center, Hainan Island.

Importance of the Mission

  • Space Power Status: Reinforces China’s capabilities in space exploration.
  • Global Lunar Rush: Part of a broader international effort to explore and exploit lunar minerals.
  • First Human Sampling: The first mission to sample and return materials from the far side of the moon.
  • Engineering Challenges: Overcoming high risks, great difficulties, and numerous engineering innovations.
  • Communication Challenges: The far side of the moon always faces away from Earth, complicating communications.

Mission Objectives

  • Scientific Exploration: Carry out planned scientific exploration missions.
  • Innovation and Risk Management: Manage high risks and innovate engineering solutions.