Published on: June 3, 2024



NEWS –  Member States, led by Spain, approved a new resolution on increasing availability, ethical access, and oversight of transplantation of human cells, tissues, and organs


  1. Key Points of the Draft Resolution:
    • Emphasizes increasing availability in line with WHO Guiding Principles on Human Cell, Tissue, and Organ Transplantation.
    • Encourages donation after neurological determination of death and circulatory determination of death.
    • Highlights the link between insufficient access to transplantation therapies and trafficking in persons for organ removal and trafficking in human organs.
  2. Establishment of Expert Committee:
    • Urges the director-general to establish an expert committee to develop a global strategy and oversee its implementation.
  3. Global Strategy Development:
    • Countries are tasked with developing a global strategy, to be adopted in 2026, addressing transplantation issues.
    • Encourages the establishment of World Donor Day for raising awareness and donations.


  • The decision-making body of the World Health Organization (WHO), attended by delegations from all WHO Member States.
  • Focuses on specific health agendas prepared by the Executive Board.
  • Key functions include determining policies, appointing the Director-General, supervising financial policies, and reviewing/approving the proposed budget.
  • Held annually in Geneva, Switzerland, the WHA plays a crucial role in global health policy and governance.