Published on: June 17, 2024



NEWS – The central government of India has announced a year-long extension to the Digital Health Incentive Scheme (DHIS), aimed at digitizing patient health records and linking them to the Ayushman Bharat Digital Health Account (ABHA ID). Initially launched on January 1, 2023, the scheme will now remain in effect until June 30, 2025


Scheme Details

Financial Incentives

  • Incentive Amount: Government and private hospitals, clinics, nursing homes, diagnostic labs, and pharmacies are paid Rs 20 for each additional record digitized, beyond the threshold of 100 transactions per month.
  • Earning Potential: Each facility or digital solution company can earn up to Rs 4 crores.

Eligible Participants

  • Healthcare Facilities: Both public and private hospitals.
  • Digital Solution Companies (DSCs): Companies creating digital health records.

Reasons for Extension

Promoting Digital Health

  • Initial Launch: The scheme was introduced by the National Health Authority (NHA) to promote digital health transactions and encourage healthcare providers to adopt digital health systems.
  • Relaxations and Updates: The NHA introduced relaxations in April 2023, such as reduced transaction limits, to make digital health solutions more accessible and affordable.

Positive Results

  • Impact Evaluation: The extension is based on the positive outcomes observed so far. The NHA emphasized that the extension aims to further encourage healthcare facilities to adopt digital practices.

Impact on Hospitals

Financial Reimbursement

  • Expenditure Coverage: The scheme reimburses hospitals for the costs associated with digitizing their facilities, including the purchase of computers, internet connections, and software.
  • Overcoming Bottlenecks: High costs were a significant barrier for many hospitals in transitioning to digital systems. The scheme helps mitigate these costs.

Enhanced Operations

  • Operational Efficiency: Digitization reduces patient waiting times and improves the overall efficiency of healthcare services.
  • Behavioral Change: Encourages a shift from physical to digital modes of operation, similar to incentives for promoting Unified Payments Interface (UPI).

Participation and Utilization

Registration and Availment

  • Registered Facilities: 4,005 healthcare facilities, including 1,085 private facilities and 41 DSCs.
  • Utilization: 584 healthcare facilities and 12 DSCs have availed of the scheme.

Financial Disbursement

  • Total Funds Disbursed: Rs 34.5 crore.
    • Healthcare Facilities: Rs 24.91 crore (Rs 24.24 crore to public and Rs 66.88 lakh to private facilities).
    • DSCs: Rs 9.59 crore (Rs 6.34 crore to public and Rs 3.25 crore to private DSCs).

Benefits for Patients

Improved Healthcare Services

  • Digital Transactions: Enable quick OPD registrations and reduce waiting times.
  • Secure Access: Patients can securely view, access, and share their health records with care providers.

Cost Reduction

  • Avoid Redundant Tests: Digital records prevent the repetition of tests, particularly beneficial for migrant workers and patients traveling across states.
  • Cost Recovery: Without the scheme, hospitals might pass digitization costs onto patients.

ABHA ID: Key Component

Unique Identity

  • Function: ABHA ID, similar to Aadhaar ID, allows individuals to store and share their medical records digitally.
  • Current Statistics: Approximately 64 crore ABHA IDs have been created.

Secure Record Management

  • Linked Records: All healthcare records are linked to the ABHA ID whenever a patient avails of a service at connected centers.
  • Comprehensive Access: Patients can securely store, access, and share records such as prescriptions and test results.