Published on: June 17, 2024



NEWS – Mela Kheerbhawani 2024 held


Historical Context

  • Mata Kheerbhawani Temple: Located in Tulmulla, Ganderbal, the temple is dedicated to Goddess Ragnya Devi and holds immense importance for Kashmiri Hindus.
  • Mata Kheer Bhawani is revered as the Kuldevi by most Kashmiri Pandits.
  • Predictive Water Phenomenon: Legend states that the temple’s spring water changes color, with black signifying impending disasters. This belief deepens the temple’s historical and spiritual significance.

Temple Description and History

Temple Architecture and Features

  • Heptagonal Spring:
    • The temple features a heptagonal spring that changes colors.
    • It is surrounded by old-growth chinar trees where pilgrims rest.

Historical Contributions

  • Renovation and Construction:
    • Maharaja Pratap Singh and Maharaja Hari Singh played significant roles in constructing and renovating the temple

Festival and Cultural Significance

  • Mela Kheerbhawani: An annual festival celebrated on Zyestha Ashtami, it is the largest gathering of Hindus in Kashmir after the Amarnath Yatra.
  • Revival of Festival: After a period of low attendance in the 1990s due to security concerns, the festival gained momentum over a decade ago with increased pilgrimages from Jammu and New Delhi.
  • Government Support: Efforts by the PDP-BJP government, like providing free transportation, have facilitated the participation of over 10,000 pilgrims during the festival.

Communal Harmony and Inclusivity

  • Local Muslim Participation: The festival sees the active involvement of hundreds of local Muslims, highlighting communal harmony and shared cultural heritage.
  • Symbol of Unity: Despite challenges, the festival serves as a symbol of unity and resilience within the Kashmiri Hindu community.