Published on: June 21, 2024



NEWS – Karnataka cabinet ok’s Establishment of DCRE Police Stations in Karnataka


  • Purpose: Protect civil rights of Scheduled Castes (SCs) and Scheduled Tribes (STs)
  • Initial Establishment: Directorate of Civil Rights Enforcement (DCRE) established in 1974

New Developments

  • Decision: State Cabinet to designate 33 DCRE units as DCRE police stations
  • Recruitment: 450 personnel to be recruited for various postings

Distribution of Police Stations

  • General Distribution: One DCRE police station per district
  • Bengaluru: Two DCRE police stations
  • Leadership: Each station headed by a DySP/ACP


  • Timely and Quality Investigations: Atrocity cases to be registered and investigated in DCRE stations for better outcomes
  • Coordination: Home and Social Welfare departments to frame operational modalities

Historical Context

  • Central Legislation: SCs and STs (Prevention of Atrocities) Act enacted in 1989
  • Previous Implementation: Atrocity cases handled by overburdened local police

Current Challenges

  • Investigation Delays: Local police unable to complete investigations within 60 days
  • Witness Issues: Delayed prosecution leads to witnesses turning hostile
  • Low Conviction Rate: Current conviction rate stands at 4% (68 cases)

Expected Improvements

  • Specialized Focus: DCRE police stations to provide focused and dedicated investigation efforts
  • Improved Convictions: Aim to improve the conviction rate and overall justice delivery for atrocity cases against SCs and STs