Published on: June 21, 2024



NEWS – Energy Transition Index (ETI) Published


  • Overview
    • Published by the World Economic Forum.
    • Developed to monitor the global energy transition comprehensively.
    • Focuses on sustainability, security, access, and enabling institutions.
  • Key Points from ETI-2024
    • European countries dominate the rankings, with Sweden, Denmark, Finland, Switzerland, and France leading.
    • Emerging economies like Brazil and China show progress, although many countries regress in at least one energy system performance dimension.
    • India ranks 63rd in the ETI-2024.
    • Disparities in investments and regulations persist despite narrowing gaps between advanced and developing economies.
  • Progress and Challenges
    • 107 out of 120 benchmarked countries have shown progress in their energy transition journeys in the past decade.
    • The overall pace of the transition has slowed down, posing a challenge.
    • Balancing sustainability, security, and equity remains a key challenge globally.
  • India’s Clean Energy Infrastructure
    • India’s renewable energy and biomass constitute 42% of its power generation capacity.
    • India is recognized as the fourth-largest renewables market globally.
    • The World Economic Forum acknowledges India’s strides in clean energy infrastructure.