Published on: July 8, 2024



NEWS – In a bid to resolve the extensive coastal erosion in Poonthura region in Kerala, the irrigation department is all set to construct eight groynes at a cost of Rs 17.5 crore.


  • Definition: Groynes are active structures extending from the shore into the sea, usually perpendicular or slightly oblique to the shoreline.
  • Materials: Typically made of wood, rock, or sometimes concrete and metal.
  • Purpose:
    • Trap sediment.
    • Dissipate wave energy.
    • Restrict the transfer of sediment away from the beach through longshore drift.

Longshore Drift

  • Cause: Occurs when prevailing winds blow waves across the shore at an angle, carrying sediment along the beach.
  • Prevention: Groynes prevent this process, thereby slowing erosion at the shore.

Advantages of Groynes

  • Easy to construct.
  • Long-term durability.
  • Low maintenance.
  • Reduce the need for beach nourishment and sand recycling.
  • Leads to beach widening.
  • Reduces erosion.
  • Increases wave energy dissipation.
  • Serves as a robust structure for long-term coastline stabilization used for societal activities.