Published on: July 14, 2024



NEWS – The World Health Organization (WHO) has launched MeDevIS, an online platform designed to serve as a global open access clearing house for medical device information. It aims to assist governments, regulators, and users in decision-making related to medical device selection, procurement, and usage for health diagnostics, testing, and treatment


Scope and Coverage

  • Medical Device Types: MeDevIS includes 2,301 types of medical devices covering a wide range of health issues. These include reproductive, maternal, newborn, and child health; noncommunicable diseases like cancer and cardiovascular diseases; and infectious diseases such as COVID-19.
  • Complexity and Navigation: It aims to simplify decision-making, particularly in resource-limited settings.

Diversity of Medical Devices

  • Variety and Functionality: Over 10,000 different medical devices are listed, encompassing protection, prevention, diagnostics, treatment, and rehabilitation across various health issues.
  • Examples: From pulse oximeters and digital thermometers to diagnostic laboratory tests, imaging radiology technologies, and complex equipment like hemodialysis units and cardiac stents.

Challenges Addressed by MeDevIS

  • Fragmented Information Sources: Currently, multiple sources provide information on medical devices, leading to confusion and inefficiencies.
  • Unified Platform: MeDevIS aims to centralize information, simplifying device searches and standardizing device naming.

Naming Systems and Standards

  • Global Standards: MeDevIS references the European Medical Device Nomenclature (EMDN) and the Global Medical Device Nomenclature (GMDN), facilitating regulatory approval, procurement, inventory management, and pricing globally.

Applications and Impact

  • Policy-Making: National policy-makers can use MeDevIS to develop or update procurement lists and health technology assessments, contributing to universal health coverage.
  • Health Insurance and Reimbursement: It supports health insurance agencies in formulating policies related to medical device reimbursement for patients.

Future Development

  • Continual Improvement: WHO plans to expand MeDevIS with additional technologies and devices, focusing on pandemic and emergency settings, and engaging stakeholders to enhance its functionality.