Published on: July 15, 2024



NEWS – After a year-long simulated Mars mission as part of the CHAPEA project, a NASA crew emerged from their 17,000 sq ft habitat at Johnson Space Centre.


  • Event: NASA crew concludes a year-long simulated Mars mission
  • Location: Johnson Space Centre, Houston
  • Date: Crew emerged on July 7, 2024
  • Project: CHAPEA (Crew Health and Performance Exploration Analog)
  • Habitat Size: 17,000 sq ft

Mission Details

  • Start Date: June 25, 2023
  • Crew Members: Kelly Haston (Mission Commander), Anca Selariu (Science Officer), Ross Brockwell (Flight Engineer), Nathan Jones (Mission Medical Officer)
  • Duration: 378 days


  • Simulated Spacewalks: Referred to as “Marswalks”
  • Resource Management: Cultivating and harvesting vegetables to supplement food supplies
  • Health Maintenance: Focusing on physical and behavioral health under Mars-like conditions


  • Resource Limitations: Simulating the constraints of a Mars mission
  • Isolation: Coping with psychological and social aspects of confinement
  • Communication Delays: Up to 22-minute delays with Earth

Research and Findings

  • Nutritional Impact: Studying how diet affects performance
  • Sustainable Living: Importance of resource management and waste processing

Future Missions: Two more CHAPEA missions planned to continue research