Published on: September 4, 2024



NEWS – Karnataka Declares Dengue Fever as an Epidemic Disease


Public Responsibilities

  • Who is Responsible?
    • Owners, occupiers, builders, and managers of land, buildings, water tanks, parks, playgrounds, etc.
  • Preventive Measures:
    • Cover water storage containers and tanks
    • Properly dispose of solid waste
    • Prevent water collection in unused tanks, pits, burrows, or construction sites

Enforcement Authorities

  • Competent Authorities:
    • BBMP Chief Commissioner: Responsible in Bengaluru
    • Deputy Commissioners: Responsible in districts outside BBMP jurisdiction
  • Authority Powers:
    • Inspect properties for mosquito breeding sites
    • Issue notices to destroy breeding sites
    • Impose penalties for non-compliance

Penalties for Non-Compliance

  • Urban Areas:
    • Fine: Rs 400
    • For commercial establishments, construction sites, etc.: Rs 1,000
  • Rural Areas:
    • Fine: Rs 200
    • For commercial establishments, construction sites, etc.: Rs 500
  • Penalty for Continued Non-Compliance:
    • Additional 50% of the specified penalty for each week of continued non-compliance

Current Dengue Situation

  • Total Cases: 25,589 (as of September 3, 2024)
  • Deaths: 12
  • Active Cases: 1,561

What is an Epidemic?

  • Definition: Rapid spread of disease above the general baseline level within a specific population or region
  • Difference from Pandemic: Epidemics are usually localized, while pandemics spread across multiple countries or continents

Purpose of the Amendments

  • Goal: Reduce mosquito population and limit the spread of Dengue fever across Karnataka.
  • Focus: Both urban and rural areas, ensuring comprehensive coverage.