Published on: September 15, 2021



What is in news : Pradhan Mantri Adarsh Gram Yojana will be restarted in 36000 villages of India with focus on ST

Details :

  • Scheme was launched in March, 2010 on a pilot basis for the integrated development of 1000 villages each with more than 50% SC population.
  • Aim – overall development of selected SC majority villages
  • Provide the villages with all the necessary facilities in order to ensure that the disparity between SC and non-SC population is eliminated in terms of common socio-economic indicators.
  • Performance will be monitored in terms of achievement of the targets that are listed in Village Development Plan (VDP) prepared for each village.
  • “National Institute of Rural Development & Panchayati Raj (NIRD&PR)” will provide technical expertise

Vision of an “Adarsh Gram” (Model Village)

A Model village is one which has adequate physical and institutional infrastructure, in which minimum needs of all sections of the society are fully met; they live in harmony with each other, as also with the environment, and a village which is progressive and dynamic. These villages should be covered with all the facilities necessary for dignified living, creating thereby an environment in which all its residents are enabled to utilise their potential to the fullest.