Published on: September 4, 2024



NEWS – Union Agriculture Minister Shri Shivraj Singh Chouhan Launches AgriSURE Fund


What is the AgriSURE Fund?

  • Acronym – The Agri Fund for Start-ups & Rural Enterprises
  • Purpose: To support technology-driven start-ups and rural enterprises in agriculture.
  • Goal: Transform and boost India’s rural economy through advanced solutions.

Background of AgriSURE Fund

  • Introduction: Proposed in the Budget Speech for 2022-23 by the Finance Minister.
  • Need: Emphasized the necessity of a fund with blended capital.
  • Focus Areas:
    • Finance start-ups in agriculture.
    • Support Farmer Producer Organizations (FPOs).
    • Enhance farm-level machinery rentals and tech solutions.
  • Establishment: Sponsored by Government of India and NABARD.

Structure and Management of the Fund

  • Total Corpus: Rs 750 crore.
    • Government of India: Rs 250 crore.
    • NABARD: Rs 250 crore.
    • Other Institutions (private investors): Rs 250 crore.
  • Registration: Category-II Alternative Investment Fund (AIF) with SEBI.
  • Management: NABVENTURES Ltd. (wholly-owned subsidiary of NABARD).