Published on: July 22, 2024



NEWS – The Karnataka State Pulses Development Board is expanding its operations for the ‘Bhima Pulse’ brand of tur dal with focus on establishing own processing units in Kalaburagi.


Objectives and Targets

  • Target: Sell 900 metric tonnes (MT) of tur dal at competitive prices nationwide this year.
  • Previous Year: Sold only 18 tonnes of tur dal under the Bhima Pulse brand.

Infrastructure Development

  • Construction of processing infrastructure nearing completion at Kotnur (D) village.
  • Aim to protect farmers from price fluctuations and middlemen.

Product and Pricing Strategy

  • Introduction of 2-kg, 5-kg, and 30-kg packets in addition to the current 1-kg packets.
  • Competitive pricing to challenge private brands.
  • Expected selling price: Rs 200 per kg post-infrastructure completion, compared to Rs 260-280 per kg for private brands.

Market Conditions

  • Current retail prices: Rs 180-200 per kg due to crop losses from drought, floods, and disease.
  • Historical context: Prices were around Rs 110 per kg two years ago.
  • Tur dal’s unique qualities: Rich in calcium and potassium, high nutritional value, and unique taste.

Farmer and Consumer Benefits

  • Direct purchase to ensure fair prices for farmers.
  • Elimination of middlemen to save costs for both farmers and consumers.
  • Immediate payment for farmers to encourage large-scale sales to the board.

Agricultural Expansion

  • Significant increase in tur dal cultivation in Kalaburagi:
    • From around two lakh hectares to over six lakh hectares in the past 15 years.
    • Current year’s target: Sowing tur dal in 6 lakh hectares out of 8.69 lakh hectares.
    • Estimated production: 5.5 lakh MT.

Future Plans and Benefits

  • Plan to process at least one MT of tur dal per hour once the unit is operational.
  • Use of farmer producer organizations for large-scale crop purchases.
  • Goal: Provide better rates to farmers and consumers, popularize the Kalaburagi brand.