Published on: December 1, 2021




On 1 December 1965, India’s first line of defense, the Border Security Force (BSF) was formed.


  • Sentinels of Indian borders with Pakistan and Bangladesh.
  • K F Rustamji, IPS was the first chief and the founding father of the organization.
  • Under the Ministry of Home Affairs of the Government of India.
  • Has an air wing, marine wing, commando units and artillery regiments.
  • Was created by merging various State Armed Police Battalions for achieving a better coordinated synergy between the border guarding functions in peace time and fighting the war during the eventuality on both Western and Eastern fronts.
  • Deployed on Indo-Pakistan International Border, Indo-Bangladesh International Border, Line of Control (LoC) along with Indian Army and in Anti-Naxal Operations.
  • Has proven its credentials during various counter insurgency and anti-militancy operations, internal security duties, natural calamities etc.
  • One of the five Central Armed Police Forces of Union of India under the administrative control of Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA).
  • Mandated with guarding India’s land border during peacetime and preventing transnational crime.
  • World’s largest border guarding force.
  • The ethos: “Any task, any time, any where”.
  • Motto is “Jeevan Paryant Kartavya” meaning “Duty Unto Death”.
  • Role:
  • During peacetime:
    • Promoting a sense of security among the people living in the border areas.
    • Preventing smuggling and other illegal activities along the border.
    • Preventing trans-border crimes including unauthorized entry into or exit from India.
    • Engaging in anti-infiltration.
    • Collecting trans-border intelligence.
  • During wartime:
    • Defending the assigned sectors.
    • Engaging in limited aggressive action against enemy forces.
    • Maintaining law and order in enemy territory under army’s control.
    • Acting as guides to the army in border areas.
    • Guarding POW camps.
    • Controlling refugees.
    • Providing escort.
    • Performing special tasks related to intelligence including raids.