Published on: June 25, 2024



NEWS – Chang’e-6 became the first spacecraft to bring back samples from the far side of the Moon.


Importance of Exploring the Far Side

  • Differences: The far side of the Moon, also called the dark side, is distinct from the near side, with a thicker crust, more craters, and fewer lava plains.
  • Scientific Exploration: Samples from the far side can help solve mysteries about the Moon’s origin, evolution, and the differences between its sides.

Details of the Chang’e-6 Mission

  • Duration: A 53-day-long mission.
  • Operational Phases:
    • Orbiter Circulation: The orbiter circled the Moon while the lander descended into the South Pole-Aitken basin, a region of scientific interest.
    • Sampling: The lander collected samples using scooping and drilling techniques.
    • Transfer and Return: An ascent vehicle transferred samples to the orbiter’s service module, which then returned to Earth.

Scientific Objectives

  • Basin Study: The mission targeted the South Pole-Aitken basin, believed to hold material from the lunar mantle, aiding in understanding the Moon’s interior.
  • Long-standing Mystery: By analyzing far-side samples, scientists aim to uncover why the far side differs significantly from the near side.