Published on: May 16, 2024



NEWS – India (Ministry of Corporate Affairs) proposed digital competition framework


  1. Predictive Regulation
  • Rationale: Addressing the complexity of digital markets, the bill advocates for a forward-looking approach to regulation.
  • Ex Ante Framework: Proposes a preventive and presumptive law to anticipate antitrust issues and define pre-determined no-go areas.
  • Critique of Current Framework: Highlights delays and inefficiencies in the existing ex post antitrust framework under the Competition Act, 2002.
  1. Significant Entities
  • SSDE Designation Criteria: Outlines quantitative and qualitative parameters for Systematically Significant Digital Enterprises (SSDEs).
    • Turnover Thresholds: Rs 4,000 crore in India or $30 billion globally.
    • Market Value: Rs 16,000 crore in India or $75 billion globally.
    • User Base: At least 1 crore end users or 10,000 business users.
  • Prohibited Practices: SSDEs are barred from self-preferencing, anti-steering, and restricting third-party applications.
  • Enforcement: Violations may lead to fines of up to 10% of global turnover.
  1. Associate Digital Enterprises (ADEs)
  • Data Sharing Impact: Recognizes the significance of data sharing within major technology groups.
  • ADE Designation: Entities within a group deemed associate entities have similar obligations as SSDEs based on their involvement with core digital services.
  • Illustrative Example: Considers scenarios like Google Search directing data to Google Maps, leading to potential ADE classification for Google Maps or YouTube based on data sharing practices.


  1. Industry Resistance
  • Big tech companies foresee a significant compliance burden under the proposed ex ante framework, diverting focus from innovation.
  • Concerns that the strict prescriptive norms may shift focus from innovation and research to ensuring regulatory compliance.
  1. Impact on Big Tech Companies
  • Ex ante framework’s strictness may hinder tech giants’ ability to innovate and engage in competitive practices.
  • Effect on User Experience: Fear of increased search time, as seen with EU’s DMA, could negatively impact user experience and business efficiency.
  1. Platform Changes and App Stores
  • Third-Party App Store Access: Potential requirement for companies like Apple to allow app downloads from third-party stores could disrupt their business models.
  • Tech giants like Google argue against app sideloading, citing potential security risks associated with apps downloaded outside their stores.
  1. Definition of Significant Platforms
  • Broad Definition Concerns: Lack of specificity in defining significant platforms could lead to arbitrary decision-making by the Competition Commission of India (CCI).
  • Impact on Start-ups: Arbitrary decisions may impact start-ups negatively, hindering their growth and competitiveness.
  • Data Sharing Impact: Reduction in data sharing, as mandated by the bill, could affect smaller businesses relying on platforms for audience reach.


  1. History of Anti-Competitive Practices
  • Government Concerns: Officials highlight a history of anti-competitive behavior among big tech companies, necessitating a presumptive regulatory framework for better oversight.
  • Enforcement Example: CCI’s fine on Google for anti-competitive conduct in the Android ecosystem underscores the need for regulatory intervention.
  1. Market Innovation and Barriers
  • Innovation Confinement: Concerns over innovation being limited to a few big tech companies, predominantly from the US, due to high market barriers.
  • Default Market Access: Dominant companies create default access points, making it challenging for new entrants to challenge their market dominance.
  • Impact on Rivals: Rivals like Spotify face challenges due to policies of dominant players like Apple and Google, hindering market competitiveness.
  1. Niche Products and Surveillance
  • Niche Product Accessibility: Niche online products, like Signal and DuckDuckGo, cater to specific user needs but struggle to become mainstream due to dominance by larger platforms.
  • Advertising Dynamics: Smaller companies benefit from cheaper advertising rates on big platforms but face challenges in a surveillance-heavy digital advertising industry.