Published on: January 20, 2023

Multi state Cooperative societies

Multi state Cooperative societies

Why in news? Union cabinet approved creation of national multi-state cooperative export society under the Multi State Cooperative Societies (MSCS) Act, 2002.


  • Multi State Cooperative Export Society will be largest of the three proposed national cooperative societies to be established under the MSCS Act.


  • Primary to national level cooperatives societies including primary societies, district, state and national level federations, multi-state cooperative societies and Farmers Producer Organisations (FPOs) can become its Member.

The Multi state cooperative societies includes

  • Multi State Cooperative Seed Society
  • Multi State Cooperative organic society
  • Multi State Cooperative Export Society


  • Gujarat Cooperative Milk Marketing Federation (GCMMF),Amul brand’s promoter
  • National Agricultural Cooperative Marketing Federation of India Ltd (NAFED)
  • National Cooperative Development Corporation (NCDC)
  • Indian Farmers Fertiliser Cooperative Limited (IFFCO)
  • Krishak Bharati Co-operative Limited (KRIBHCO).

Multi State Cooperative Export Society

  • It will focus on exporting the surpluses of the cooperative sector, scout for markets, and promote products made by cooperatives in the global arena.

Multi State Cooperative organic society

  • It will manage various activities related to organic sector by providing certified and authentic organic products.

Multi State Cooperative organic society

  • It will help to increase the Seed Replacement Rate (SRR), and Varietal Replacement Rate (VRR), ensuring the role of farmers in quality seed cultivation and seed variety trials, production and distribution of certified seeds with a single brand name by utilizing the network of all levels of cooperatives


  • Cooperatives is in state list
  • Separate ‘Ministry of Co-operation’ was formed realizing the vision of ‘Sahkar se Samriddhi’ (Prosperity through Cooperation) and to give push for cooperative movement.

Constitutional Provisions

  • 97th Constitutional Amendment Act: Gave constitutional status and protection to the co-operative societies.
  • Fundamental right: Article 19 (1) (c) as ‘Right to form cooperatives.’
  • Article 43-B: The state shall endeavour to promote voluntary formation, democratic control, autonomous functioning and professional management of cooperative societies.