Published on: August 12, 2024



NEWS – Neelakurinji (Strobilanthes kunthiana), the purplish flowering shrub, which blooms once in 12 years, has been included on the IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature) official Red List of threatened species.


Neelakurinji Listed as Threatened Species

– First Global Red List Assessment: Neelakurinji (Strobilanthes kunthiana) included on IUCN Red List of threatened species

– Vulnerable Status: Listed in Vulnerable (Criteria A2c) category due to habitat loss and other threats

Reasons for Delayed Assessment

– Lack of Ecological Studies: Limited research on the species’ ecology and conservation

– Unique Blooming Cycle: Blooms once in 12 years, making it challenging to assess

Threats to Neelakurinji

– Habitat Loss: Conversion of habitat for tea and softwood plantations, urbanization

– Invasive Species: Exotic species like eucalyptus and black wattle invading habitat

– Infrastructure Development: Development projects threatening habitat

– Climate Change: Climate change affecting species’ survival

Distribution and Spread

– Endemic to Western Ghats: Found only in high-altitude shola grassland ecosystems

– 34 Subpopulations: Spread across 14 ecoregions in southwest India

– Actual Area of Occupancy: 220 sq km, with an extent of occurrence of 25,510 sq km


– Unique Blooming Cycle: Blooms once in 12 years with showy synchronous blooming and fruiting

– Habitat: High-altitude shola grassland ecosystems of southwest India at 1,340–2,600 m elevation

– Distribution: 34 subpopulations across 14 ecoregions in southwest India

    Western Ghats: 33 subpopulations

    Eastern Ghats: 1 subpopulation (Yercaud, Shevaroy Hills)

Cultural Significance

– Nilgiri Hills: Named after Neelakurinji’s blue flowers

– Paliyan Tribes: Use Neelakurinji to calculate age


– Global authority on the natural world and conservation measures

– Membership union of government and civil society organizations

– Headquartered in Switzerland

IUCN Red List of Threatened Species

– Comprehensive inventory of global conservation status of plant and animal species

– Evaluates extinction risk using quantitative criteria

– 9 categories: NE (Not Evaluated) to EX (Extinct)

IUCN Red List Categories

– CR (Critically Endangered)

– EN (Endangered)

– VU (Vulnerable): considered threatened with extinction


– Most authoritative guide to biological diversity status

– Key indicator for SDGs and Aichi Targets