Published on: May 9, 2024



NEWS – The Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) released the country’s latest dietary guidelines that advise people to get rid of protein supplements, restrict salt use and avoid processed food altogether besides busting popular myths on microwave cooking and different types of salts.


  • ICMR advises against using protein supplements, promoting sourcing proteins from natural food sources.
  • The guidelines recommend limiting salt intake and avoiding ultra-processed foods high in fat, sugar, and salt.
  • Emphasis on consuming whole foods and reading food labels instead of relying on brand names or cost.
  • Suggestions for home-made recipes as complementary food for children aged 6-12 months, highlighting the benefits over commercially prepared foods.
  • Recommendations for a balanced diet include a variety of foods, plenty of vegetables and legumes, and limited consumption of cereals, pulses, meat, and milk.
  • Clarification that microwave cooking retains more nutrients compared to other methods, debunking myths about nutritional quality.
  • Categorization of ultra-processed foods as high-risk due to their association with obesity, heart diseases, diabetes, and accelerated ageing.
  • Caution against assuming nutrient-enriched ultra-processed foods as healthy, emphasizing the importance of a balanced diet.
  • Highlighting the potential of healthy diets and physical activity in reducing disease burdens like coronary heart disease, hypertension, and type 2 diabetes.
  • The guidelines aim to address changing dietary habits, promote healthier food choices, and tackle the rising prevalence of non-communicable diseases in India.