Published on: May 20, 2024



NEWS – Blue Origin’s NS25 completed its 25th flight for the New Shepard program, marking its seventh human spaceflight


  • NS-25 Mission:
    • Blue Origin’s seventh human flight.
    • 25th mission of the New Shepard programme.
    • Launched from Launch Site One in West Texas.
    • 31 humans flown above the Karman line (internationally recognised boundary of space 62 miles (100 km) above Earth) by the programme.
  • Flight Details
    • Reusable Technology:
      • New Shepard is a fully reusable sub-orbital launch vehicle.
      • Reuses nearly 99% of its dry mass including booster, capsule, engine, landing gear, and parachutes.
    • Environmental Considerations:
      • Engine uses liquid oxygen and hydrogen.
      • Only byproduct is water vapour, with no carbon emissions.
    • Educational Impact:
      • Each astronaut carried a postcard to space for Blue Origin’s foundation, Club for the Future.
      • Initiative aimed at inspiring students to pursue careers in STEAM (science, technology, engineering, arts, and mathematics).


  • Gopi Thotakura
    • Born in Andhra Pradesh, India.
    • Graduate of Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University.
    • Entrepreneur and pilot, became the first Indian space tourist
    • Co-founder of Preserve Life Corp.
    • Extensive experience in various types of aviation.
  • Mason Angel
  • Sylvain Chiron
  • Kenneth L. Hess
  • Carol Schaller
  • Ed Dwight, former Air Force Captain and first Black astronaut candidate selected by President John F. Kennedy.