Published on: September 3, 2024



NEWS –  Union Cabinet Approves Seven Schemes for Farmers


  1. Digital Agriculture Mission (DAM)
  • Outlay: ₹2,817 crore
  • Key Components:
    • Agri Stack:
      • A registry of farmers.
      • Village land maps and crop data.
    • Krishi Decision Support System:
      • A comprehensive geospatial system.
      • Unifies remote sensing-based information on crops, soil, weather, and water resources.
    • Soil Profile Mapping:
      • Detailed soil-profile maps on a 1:10,000 scale.
      • Covers approximately 142 million hectares of agricultural land.
  • Objective: To integrate technology into agriculture, benefiting farmers by linking various databases and platforms across Union Territories, States, Ministries, and Departments.
  •  The Mission has provision for-
    • Soil profile
    • Digital crop estimation
    • Digital yield modelling
    • Connect for crop loan
    • Modern technologies like AI and Big Data
    • Connect with buyers
    • Bring new knowledge on mobile phones
  1. Crop Science for Food and Nutritional Security
  • Outlay: ₹3,979 crore
  • Objective:
    • To prepare farmers for climate resilience.
    • Ensure food security by the year 2047.
  • It has following pillars:
    • Research and education
    • Plant genetic resource management
    • Genetic improvement for food and fodder crop
    • Pulse and oilseed crop improvement
    • Improvement of commercial crops
    • Research on insects, microbes, pollinators etc.
  1. Strengthening Agricultural Education, Management, and Social Sciences
  • Outlay: ₹2,291 crore
  • Objective:
    • To equip agriculture students and researchers to address current and future challenges.
  • Mission
    • Under Indian Council of Agri Research
    • Modernising agri research and education
    • In line with New Education Policy 2020
    • Use latest technology … Digital DPI, AI, big data, remote, etc
    • Include natural farming and climate resilience
  1. Sustainable Livestock Health and Production
  • Outlay: ₹1,702 crore
  • Objective:
    • To increase incomes from livestock and dairy production.
  • It comprises the following
    • Animal health management and veterinary education
    • Dairy production and technology development
    • Animal genetic resource management, production and improvement
    • Animal nutrition and small ruminant production and development
  1. Sustainable Development of Horticulture
  • Outlay: ₹1,129.30 crore
  • Focus Areas:
    • Promotion of tropical, sub-tropical, and temperate horticulture crops.
    • Development of root, tuber, bulbous, and arid crops.
    • Encouragement of vegetable, floriculture, and mushroom cultivation.
  1. Support for Krishi Vigyan Kendras (KVKs)
  • Outlay: ₹1,202 crore
  • Objective: To strengthen the network and outreach of KVKs for effective agricultural extension services.
  1. Natural Resource Management
  • Outlay: ₹1,115 crore
  • Objective:
    • To sustainably manage natural resources in agriculture.