Published on: May 4, 2024

Snippets : 4 MAY 2024

Snippets : 4 MAY 2024

  • Flying Wedge, a Bengaluru-based defense firm, has unveiled its latest bomber UAV, the FWD-200B. This MALE UAV features optical surveillance, missile-like weapons, a 100 kg fuel capacity, and impressive specs: 370 kmph speed, 12-20 hours endurance, 6m length, 8m wingspan, 498 kg max take-off weight, operating at 9,000 ft altitude.
  • INCOIS in Hyderabad issued a warning about high-energy swell waves affecting coastal states. Swell waves originate from distant storms, have unique characteristics, and can reach up to 700 meters in severe cases. Kerala is on red alert due to these waves, locally known as ‘Kallakadal,’ prompting safety measures.
  • The Indian Navy is modernizing its warships through a conversion program, with INS Beas as the flagship project transitioning to diesel propulsion for extended operational life and improved maintenance. Indigenous marine diesel engine development under Make-I category is a priority, with collaborations with companies like Kirloskar Oil Engines Ltd and GRSE in progress.
  • Reporters Without Borders (RSF) noted a global decline in press freedom, with a significant drop in the World Press Freedom Index. India’s press freedom score decreased, although its rank improved marginally due to declines in other countries. Factors affecting press freedom in India include political influence and harassment campaigns against critical journalists. RSF also highlighted concerns about press freedom in countries with upcoming elections, particularly pointing out issues in the U.S.