Published on: December 27, 2022

Snippets:27 December 2022

Snippets:27 December 2022

  • Former Vice-Chancellor of University of Mysore K.S. Rangappa has been elected as a fellow of The World Academy of Science (TWAS) for the programme unit of UNESCO.
  • G-Sec is a tradeable instrument issued by the Central Government or the State Governments and acknowledges the Government’s debt obligation. Securities are short term (usually called treasury bills, with original maturities of less than one year) or long term (usually called Government bonds or dated securities with original maturity of one year or more).
  • A trademark is a distinctive sign or indicator used by a business organisation to distinguish its products or services from those of other entities. It serves as a badge of origin exclusively identifying a particular business as a source of goods or services.
  • India has emerged as the largest producer and consumer of sugar in the world and the second largest exporter in the world economy
  • Nikhat Zareen, Lovlina Borgohain win gold medals at Women’s National Boxing Championships 2022 in Bhopal
  • NTPC and Tecnimont sign MOU to explore possibility to develop Green Methanol Production
  • Green Methanol Project involves capturing carbon from NTPC power plants and converting it into a green fuel
  • Centre for Land Warfare Studies (CLAWS) Organises Seminar on The Theme of “Civil Military Integration: The Way Forward” at New Delhi
  • Petroleum Ministry to organize musical event ‘Dance to Decarbonise’ in New Delhi