Published on: June 24, 2024



NEWS – State of Global Air (SoGA) Report released by Health Effects Institute (HEI), an independent U.S.-based nonprofit research organization in partnership with UNICEF


  • Purpose:
    • Provides analysis of data for air quality and health impacts globally
  • Definition of Air Pollution:
    • A complex mixture including particles and various gases
    • Sources and compositions vary over space and time

Impact on Human Health:

  • Second Leading Global Risk Factor for Death: Surpassed tobacco and diabetes, trailing only hypertension
  • Noncommunicable Diseases:
    • Account for nearly 90% of the disease burden from air pollution
    • Includes heart disease, stroke, diabetes, lung cancer, and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)

Mortality Statistics:

  • PM2.5 Particles:
    • Cause six out of ten deaths worldwide attributed to air pollution
  • Other Pollutants:
    • Ozone: 38% of deaths
    • Household air pollution: 6% of deaths
  • Global Deaths:
    • 8.1 million lives claimed worldwide in 2021 due to air pollution
    • India accounted for one in four of these deaths

Country-Specific Data:

  • India and China:
    • Together account for 54% of the global disease burden from air pollution in 2021
    • Deaths due to air pollution:
  • India: 21 lakh (2.1 million) deaths
  • China: 23 lakh (2.3 million) deaths

Impact on Children:

  • Children Under Five:
    • Over 700,000 deaths linked to air pollution (15% of all global deaths in this age group)
    • Lower respiratory infections (LRIs) are the leading cause of death
    • India recorded the highest number of deaths among children under five worldwide in 2021
    • Specific data for India:
  • 1,69,400 deaths of children under five in 2021
  • Around 464 children died every day due to diseases caused by air pollution

Specific Diseases and Conditions:

  • Ozone-Related COPD Deaths in 2021:
    • India: Nearly 50% (2,37,000 deaths) of all ozone-related COPD deaths
    • China: 1,25,600 deaths
    • Bangladesh: 15,000 deaths