Published on: September 10, 2024



NEWS – India’s first study on ‘teal carbon’, undertaken at Keoladeo National Park (KNP) in Rajasthan’s Bharatpur district, has highlighted the significance of wetland conservation to address the challenges of climate adaptation and resilience.


What is Teal Carbon?

  • Definition: Carbon stored in non-tidal freshwater wetlands
    • Components: Vegetation + Microbial biomass + Dissolved and particulate organic matter
  • Purpose: To sequester carbon and regulate greenhouse gases

Key Findings from the Study

  • Degradation Issues:
    • Wetlands are vulnerable to pollution, land use changes, water extraction, and landscape modifications.
    • Degraded wetlands can release methane and carbon dioxide.
  • Pilot Project Goals:
    • Develop holistic nature-based solutions for climate adaptation and resilience

Results and Implications

  • Methane Emissions:
    • Elevated levels detected
    • Need for reduction through specialized biochar
  • Conservation Benefits:
    • Effective water management
    • Suitable vegetation selection
    • Groundwater level increase, flood mitigation, heat island reduction