Published on: August 13, 2022

Tribal dance festival

Tribal dance festival

Why in news?

The International Day of the World’s Indigenous People was observed in Mysuru on August 9th.


  • South Central Zone Cultural Centre, Nagpur, Ministry of Culture, Government of India in association with the All India Folk and Tribal Art Parishat, New Delhi, has organised a three-day Adivasi Nruthya Mahotsav (tribal dance festival) in Mysuru to showcase the rich tribal art and culture practiced in the country.
  • More than 15 troupes from the country and three from Karnataka participated in the festival.
  • The festival was inaugurated at the Karnataka State Open University. An exhibition on tribal art was held at Cauvery auditorium.
  • The festival is also being featured on the premises of Rangayana and at the Karnataka State Gangubai Hanagal Music and Performing Arts University.
  • The International Day of the World’s Indigenous People was also celebrated in Kodagu and Chamarajnagar.

International Day of the World’s Indigenous People

  • The International Day of the World’s Indigenous People is observed on 9 August each year to raise awareness and protect the rights of the world’s indigenous population.
  • On 9th August 2018, the first National Report on the State of India’s Tribal People’s Health was submitted to the Government of India by the Expert Committee on Tribal Health.
  • Theme: The theme for 2022 is “The Role of Indigenous Women in the Preservation and Transmission of Traditional Knowledge”.
  • Significance: International Day of the World’s Indigenous People 2022 recognizes the efforts and achievements that indigenous people make to improve the issues of the world like environmental protection etc. This day not only focuses on the indigenous population but also on the current situation with indigenous languages around the world.
  • The theme of the International Day of the World’s Indigenous People 2022 focuses on the indigenous women who are the backbone of indigenous people’s communities. They also play a crucial role in the preservation and transmission of traditional ancestral knowledge.


  • This day is celebrated on 9 August annually to recognise the first UN Working Group on Indigenous Populations meeting in Geneva in 1982. As this is the International decade day of the World’s Indigenous People. The Second International Decade of the World’s Indigenous People was proclaimed by the assembly in 2004 and it was decided to continue to observe annually International Day of the World’s Indigenous Peoples. The goal of the decade was to strengthen cooperation internationally for solving problems basically faced by the indigenous peoples mainly in the areas like culture, education, health, human rights, and environment, social and economic development.
  • The Commission on Human Rights adopted a resolution in April 2000 to establish the Permanent UN Forum on Indigenous Issues that was showcased by the Economic and Social Council. The forum mainly wants to focus on and discuss the issues related to culture, economic and social development, education, environment, health, human rights, etc.

Who are Indigenous People?

  • According to the UN, over 476 million indigenous peoples living in 90 countries across the world and accounting for 6.2 percent of the global population. These are the peoples who inherit and practice unique cultures and methods of people related to the environment. Their social, cultural, economic, and political features are different from dominant societies in which they live.
  • Indigenous peoples with the difference in the culture also share common problems related to the protection of their rights as distinct peoples.