Published on: October 15, 2022

Uniform brand for FPO

Uniform brand for FPO

Why in news?

The Karnataka will soon have the State government-recognised uniform branding for the products of farmer-producer organisations (FPOs) to boost their marketing.


  • Uniform Branding of FPOs in Karnataka, with the brand name, a tagline and a logo is finalised and will be announced within two months from now, Karnataka will become the first State in the country to do so.
  • The FPOs in Karnataka are established under various schemes such as Rashtriya Krishi Vikas Yojana (RKVY), National Horticultural Mission (NHM), and Watershed Development Programme (SUJALA III), etc.
  • These FPOs are promoted by either development departments such as Department of horticulture or National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development (NABARD). The major goods that are dealt with by these FPOs include pulses, millets, coarse cereals, spices, cashew, fruits and vegetables.

Importance of FPO branding in State Marketing

  • Market facilitation for FPOs needs an exclusive marketing arm at the state level with a unique brand name.
  • Products of geographical indications (GI), organics, products demanding low carbon footprints, that are close to nature, and are of local value can be promoted initially
  • The existing supply chain facilities are to be identified and utilized for procurement from FPOs
  • Implementation of this strategies can enable establishing new infrastructure or utilizing existing infrastructure towards storage also, such are needed towards identification and utilization of third-party infrastructure.
  • Special Purpose Vehicle of FPOs helps in specific distribution and sales strategies apart from that of branding and marketing.