Published on: October 20, 2024



NEWS – World Energy Outlook 2024 Annual report published by the International Energy Agency (IEA)


  • New Energy Context
    • Projections based on current policy settings indicate a shift in the global energy landscape.
    • Characterized by persistent geopolitical risks and an abundance of various fuels and technologies.
  • Supply Insights
    • Anticipated surplus of oil and liquefied natural gas (LNG) in the latter half of the 2020s.
    • Significant increase in manufacturing capacity for key clean energy technologies.
  • Electricity Generation
    • Low-emissions energy sources expected to produce over half of the world’s electricity by 2030.
    • Peak demand for coal, oil, and gas anticipated by the end of this decade.
  • Global Electricity Demand
    • Projected growth to add the equivalent of Japan’s annual electricity consumption each year.


  • Energy Demand Surge
    • India expected to experience the highest increase in energy demand over the next decade due to its size and rising demand from all sectors.
  • Transport Growth
    • On track to add over 12,000 cars daily by 2035 according to the Stated Policies Scenario (STEPS).
  • Infrastructure Expansion
    • Built-up space projected to increase by over 1 billion square meters annually, exceeding the total built space of South Africa.
  • Industrial Growth
    • Iron and steel production expected to grow by 70% by 2035.
    • Cement output projected to rise by nearly 55%.
  • Air Conditioning Demand
    • Stock of air conditioners predicted to grow over 4.5 times, leading to electricity demand surpassing Mexico’s total expected consumption in 2035.
  • Overall Energy Demand
    • Total energy demand in India to increase by nearly 35% by 2035.
    • Electricity generation capacity expected to nearly triple to 1400 GW.
  • Coal in Energy Mix
    • Coal to maintain a strong position in India’s energy mix.
    • Approximately 60 gigawatts of new coal-fired power capacity projected to be added by 2030.
    • Coal-based electricity generation expected to rise by over 15%.
  • Industrial Coal Usage
    • In 2023, coal accounted for 40% of energy used in industries such as steel, cement, and manufacturing.
    • Anticipated growth of coal use in industry by 50% by 2035.