Published on: July 14, 2024



NEWS – United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UNDESA) released the World Population Prospects 2024 report


India’s Population Projections

  • Current Status: India became the world’s most populous nation last year.
  • Population Growth:
    • 2024: 1.45 billion
    • 2054: 1.69 billion
    • 2060s Peak: 1.7 billion
    • 2100: Decline to 1.5 billion
  • Global Position: India will remain the world’s most populous country throughout the century.
  • UN Report: World Population Prospects 2024, released on July 11.

Global Population Projections

  • 2024: 8.2 billion
  • Mid-2080s Peak: 10.3 billion
  • 2100: Decline to 10.2 billion

China’s Population Projections

  • Current Status: Second largest population.
  • 2024: 1.41 billion
  • 2054: Decline to 1.21 billion
  • 2100: Further decline to 633 million

Key Insights from the UN Report

  • China’s Decline: Largest absolute population loss between 2024 and 2054 (204 million).
  • Japan and Russia: Significant population declines by 2054.
  • Fertility Rate: Global average is currently 2.25 live births per woman, down from 3.31 in 1990.
  • Life Expectancy: Global average life expectancy at birth is 73.3 years in 2024, projected to increase to 77.4 years by 2054.

Additional Statistics

  • Global Fertility: More than half of all countries have fertility rates below the replacement level of 2.1 live births per woman.
  • Life Expectancy: Increased by 8.4 years globally since 1995.