Published on: June 10, 2023
Chola Administration
Chola Administration

Why in news? With the sengol installation in new parliament , chola administration assumes greater significance .
- The Chola Government during the imperial period in 850 – 1200 CE was marked for its uniqueness and innovativeness.
- Cholas were the first dynasty who tried to bring the entire South India under a common rule and to a great extent succeeded in their efforts
- Uttaramerur inscriptions speak about the administration of the Cholas.
Administrative machinery
- The Cholas had three major administrative divisions called Central Government, Provincial Government and Local Government.
King ship:
- The king was the head of the administration and kings and Queens were considered as representatives of God.
- The Chola kingship was hereditary and were assisted by ministers and officials in their administration
Central Government
- The Central Government under the headship of the King.
- Council of ministers and officials took active part in running the administration of Central Government.
- The higher officials were called Peruntaram and the lower officials were called
Provincial administration
- The Chola Empire was divided into nine provinces and were also called mandalams.
- The head of the province was called viceroy and they were in constant touch with the Central Government.
- The viceroys had a large number of officials to assist them in the work of administration.
Administrative Divisions:
- The success of the Chola administration depended more on the proper functioning of the administrative division.
- Generally mandalams were named after the original names or the titles of the Chola kings.
- Each mandalam was divided into number of Kottams or Valanadus and they were sub divided into nadu.
- Each nadu was further divided into (Urs) villages which form part of the last unit of the administration.
Revenue :
- The land revenue was the main source of income of the Chola Government
- Proper land survey was made and Lands were classified as taxable land and non-taxable land.
- Generally 1/6 of the land yield was collected as tax either in cash or in kind or both according to the convenience of the farmers. Besides land revenue, there were some other sources of income like customs and tolls.
Justice :
- The Chola king was the chief justice.
- The village level judicial administration was carried on by the village assembly. Minor disputes were heard by the village assembly.
- Punishments were awarded by the judicial officers. The trial of serious offences and major cases were conducted by the king himself.
Chola Local Administration :
- The most important feature of the Chola administration was the local administration at districts, towns and villages level.
- Uttaramerur inscriptions speak much about the Chola administration.
- Village autonomy was the most unique feature of Chola administrative system.
Nadu :
- Nadu was one of the important administrative units of the Cholas.
- Nadus had representative assemblies and heads of the nadus were called Nattars.
Village Administration :
- The entire responsibility of the village administration was in the hands of the village assembly called Grama Sabha
- The village assemblies looked after the maintenance of peace, tanks, roads, public ponds revenue collection, judiciary, education and temples.
- The village assemblies possessed absolute authority over the affairs of villages and maintained law and order in every village
- Although the form and protocols of that government cannot be compared to a contemporary form of government, the history of the Chola empire belongs to a happy age in their history and great things were achieved by the government and the people.