29 JULY 2024

29 JULY 2024

1. What is the conservation status of Aquilaria malaccensis according to the IUCN?
A. Least Concern
B. Vulnerable
C. Endangered
D. Critically Endangered
2. Who is a founding contributor to the ‘Climate Finance Action Fund’?
A. Saudi Arabia
B. Qatar
C. Azerbaijan
D. Russia
3. Which treaty established MERCOSUR?
A. Treaty of Montevideo
B. Treaty of Asuncion
C. Treaty of Buenos Aires
D. Treaty of Brasilia
4. When was the Asian Disaster Preparedness Center (ADPC) founded?
B. 1986
C. 1990
5. Which country had the highest deforestation reduction in 2023?
A. Brazil
B. Indonesia
C. China
D. India