Introduction: Need and Definition of Motivation.
Body: list of the points giving Importance of Motivation and also mention the available measures to improve the morale of employees.
Conclusion: Conclude by saying how motivation has become a dominant form of criteria in effective administration and mention about its inevitableness.
Supporting points:
Motivation is a tendency which keeps a person attentively and purposefully engaged in achieving his formulated goals. Motivation is a process by which a need or desire is aroused and a psychological force within our mind sets us in motion to fulfill our needs and desire.
Importance of Motivation:
The administrative officials must find the keys to get subordinates to come to work regularly and on time, to work hard and to make positive contributions towards the effective and efficient achievement of organizational objectives.
- Motivation is an effective instrument for inspiring subordinates and creating confidence among them.
- Workers will tend to be as efficient as possible by improving upon their skills and knowledge so that they are able to contribute to the progress of organization.
- Without willingness to work, ability to work is of no use. The willingness to work can be created only by motivation.
- Motivation is the best remedy for resistance to changes in an organization.
- Motivation contributes to good internal relations in the organization by reducing the frictions between the workers and the management.
- Motivation promotes a sense of belonging among the employees. The employees feel that the enterprise belongs to them and the interests of the organization are their interests.
- Motivation facilitates the maximum utilization of all factors of production human, physical and financial resources.
Measures to improve the Morale:
- Unity of interests: Integration of worker’s goal with organization objectives will create employee’s confidence and build’s high morale.
- Leadership confidence : Administrative officials who are sympathetic and democratic can easily establish confidence in their leadership.
- Sound wage structure: Complete wage or remuneration plan incorporates guaranteed base wage incentive for productive and other fringe benefits.
- Favourable work environment: Good working condition creates satisfaction which is invaluable asset of an organization.
- Higher order need satisfaction : Workers should be given ample opportunities to satisfy their social and egoistic wants.
- Job satisfaction: It will change the attitude of an employee towards the kind of work he does, his fellow workers, his organization and build up high morale.
- Other measures like employee counseling, Sound promotion policy, Grievance Procedure, Proper selection technique, Induction training, rewarding achievements, Code of ethics.
In any type of organization, motivation has very important role to play. Hence motivation has been receiving increasing attention from those who study organizations.Today motivation is one of the most important as it constitutes the base of management functions of planning and organizing. Hence more focus should be given at increasing the morale of employees by finding new avenues of morale improvement.