Published on: May 13, 2024



NEWS – The state government is all set to implement a climate action plan which was prepared in 2021 and recently approved by the central government


  • The ‘Karnataka State Action Plan on Climate Change — Version 2,’ developed in 2021, was sent to the Ministry of Environment Forests and Climate Change (MOEF & CC) in April of that year. This approval is a crucial step in addressing the challenges posed by climate change in the region
  • The Government of India (GoI) released ‘The National Action Plan on Climate Change (NAPCC)’ in June 2008 emphasizing on appropriate long-term mitigation strategies for promoting sustainable development and growth with climate “co-benefits”. The NAPCC was to be implemented by each of the states through State Action Plans on Climate Change (SAPCC), approved and facilitated by the Indian government. Post the Paris Agreement and the NDC goals and targets, states are bound to assess their climate actions based on domestic needs
  • The climate in Karnataka has been analysed at a district level for the historical period(1985— 2015) and projected for the future period. Climate projections at a district level are made using ensemble mean results from bias-corrected 15 CORDEX model simulations and the changes in temperature and rainfall during the short-term-2030s (2021-2050) and long- term2080s (2051-2100), relative to the historical period computed.

SAPCC 2021

  • Rationale for Revision of SAPCC
    • Updated due to advances in climate science and international commitments.
    • GoI signed the Paris Agreement, requiring GHG emission reduction and climate adaptation.
    • Submission of Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) to UNFCCC, focusing on mitigation, carbon sinks, and adaptation.
  • Climate Profile — Historical and Projected
    • Historical data shows a warming trend and increased rainfall variability.
    • Projections indicate further temperature rise and mixed trends in rainfall, with more extreme events like heavy rainfall and drought years.
  • Impacts of Climate Change
    • Agriculture: Varied impacts on crop productivity, with gains in some crops and losses in others.
    • Livestock: Direct and indirect impacts due to heat stress and resource reduction.
    • Fisheries: Vulnerability due to sea level rise, acidification, and extreme weather.
    • Forests: Shifts in vegetation and biodiversity, potential dieback, and increased productivity due to elevated CO2.
    • Water: Changes in streamflow, rainfall, and water availability, impacting agriculture and ecosystems.
  • Vulnerability
    • Agriculture: Vulnerable districts identified based on climate sensitivity and soil water capacity.
    • Socio-economic: Vulnerability index developed for districts, highlighting vulnerable social groups and key factors.
  • Climate Change Mitigation
    • Energy: Focus on renewables, energy efficiency, and reducing T&D losses.
    • Transport: Enhancing EV infrastructure and public transport.
    • Industry: Improving energy efficiency across sectors.
    • Forestry: Afforestation, agroforestry, and creating carbon sinks.
  • Adaptation
    • Agriculture: Weather-based cropping, flood/drought strategies, organic farming, and soil health improvement.
    • Animal Husbandry: Housing, nutrition, breeding, and health management.
    • Fisheries: Conservation, alternate livelihoods, and research.
    • Forests: Resilient afforestation, ecosystem restoration, and agroforestry.
  • Implementation and Financing Roadmap
    • Sector-specific activities prioritized with identified implementation departments/agencies.
    • Financing sources include central budget allocations, funds from cess/tariff, and partnerships.
  • Institutional Arrangements and Monitoring
    • Proposed governance structure with working groups for adaptation, mitigation, research, and extension.
    • Monitoring and evaluation by relevant state departments and institutions, with a focus on tracking progress and impacts