Published on: September 14, 2024



NEWS – The Union Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation recently dissolved the 14-member Standing Committee on Statistics (SCoS), which played a key role in advising on survey methodologies. Its functions have now been absorbed by the newly formed Steering Committee for National Sample Surveys.


Why Was the SCoS Dissolved?

  • The SCoS was dissolved due to overlapping functions with the new Steering Committee.
  • Members of the SCoS had also raised concerns over delays in conducting the census, which may have contributed to its dissolution.

Roles of the New Steering Committee

  • The new Steering Committee has 17 members and is tasked with similar responsibilities as the SCoS, such as advising on survey methodology, sampling designs, and finalising the tabulation plan.
  • The Steering Committee differs in having a higher number of official members compared to the SCoS.

Key Differences Between SCoS and the Steering Committee

  • The composition of the Steering Committee includes more officials, whereas the SCoS had more non-official members.

Both committees share overlapping mandates, particularly in reviewing survey methodologies and addressing data gaps