Published on: November 15, 2022

Commission for Scientific and Technical Terminology

Commission for Scientific and Technical Terminology

Why in news?

The Commission will soon launch ‘Shabd Shala’, a website which will invite suggestions for translation of words that are recent additions to the English language and are used widely in India


  • Selfie’, ‘drones’, ‘metaverse’, and ‘Artificial Intelligence’ are among the new, “technical” English words that become a part of Indian psyche and culture but have no formal translations into Indian languages. Unable to find standardised vernacular versions of these words in common usage, the government body responsible for their coinage in Indian languages is turning to crowdsourcing.
  • People across India can log onto the ‘Shabd Shala’ website and provide suggestions for possible translations of these words or their most prevalent usages in their respective languages.


  • To evolve standard terminology, propagate its use and distribute it widely.
  • Evolution of scientific and technical terminology and reference material in Hindi and Indian Languages,

About the commission

  • Parent organization: Department of Higher Education, Ministry of Education, Government of India
  • Establishment: Pursuance of a Presidential Order under Article 344 with the objective to evolve technical terminology in all Indian Languages
  • The Commission shall have collaboration of State Governments, Universities, Regional Text-Book Boards and State Granth Academies.
  • STT has published large number of Definitional Dictionaries, Glossaries, Text-Books, Reference Materials and Monographs,
  • Quarterly Journals : ‘Vigyan Garima Sindhu’ and ‘Gyan Garima Sindhu’