Published on: March 18, 2024



NEWS – State’s grain yield may drop by 31 lakh tonnes this year


  • Production Decrease: Karnataka’s foodgrain production (cereals and pulses) is estimated to decrease by 31 lakh tonnes this year compared to the previous year. Paddy production is anticipated to see the highest fall, plunging from 65 lakh tonnes to 38 lakh tonnes.
  • Water Shortage Impact: The steep decline in production is attributed to low water storage in critical paddy-growing regions like the Tungabhadra and Kaveri basins. This has led to a significant reduction in the area under paddy cultivation, with a 4 lakh-hectare shrinkage due to government restrictions.
  • Deficit Across Cereals and Pulses: The state is expected to experience deficits in various cereals and pulses, not just paddy. Only crops like jowar, tur, and Bengal gram are expected to show an increase in production, while others face a decline.
  • Historical Comparison: In a typical year, Karnataka harvests 129 lakh tonnes of cereals and pulses. The previous year saw an increase to 143 lakh tonnes, but this year’s estimates suggest a slump to 112 lakh tonnes.
  • Rainfall Impact: The shortfall in rainfall this year has predominantly impacted cereal cultivation. While jowar production is estimated to increase slightly compared to last year, ragi production is projected to witness a significant drop.