Published on: November 23, 2022

Standard for e-commerce reviews

Standard for e-commerce reviews

Why in news?

The Union government unveiled a framework of standards to curb fake reviews on e-commerce websites. The framework, ‘Indian Standard (IS) 19000:2022’, has been prepared by the Bureau of Indian Standards and will come into effect from November 25.


  • The standard will be voluntary, but could become mandatory later after observing compliance with the standard by such platform

What is the main Idea of Framework?

  • It is meant to safeguard and protect consumer interest from fake and deceptive reviews on e-commerce platforms
  • If made mandatory, the violation of the standard, titled “Indian Standard (IS) 19000:2022 Online Consumer Reviews Principles and Requirements for their Collection ,Moderation and Publication”, can invite punishment for unfair trade practice or violation of consumer rights

How the grievances are readdressed?

  • A consumer may submit grievances to the National Consumer Helpline, consumer commission or the CCPA, against misleading reviews.
  • The guiding principles of the standard are integrity, accuracy, privacy, security, transparency, accessibility and responsiveness.

How does this new standard works?

The standard prescribes specifc responsibilities for the review author and the review administrator.

  • Review Administrator : It include confirming acceptance of terms and conditions, providing contact information and safeguarding personal information and training of staff.
  • Review Author: The standard also provides for methods for verifcation of the review author to check the traceability and genuineness of the review author.

How new standards to helps ?

  • The standard is expected to benefit all stakeholders in the ecommerce ecosystem and usher confidence among consumers to purchase goods
  • Online grievance redressal to helps to make better purchase decisions.
  • It helps to take the cognisance of the impact of fake and deceptive reviews and protection of consumer interest in e-commerce