Published on: April 12, 2023

State Energy Efficiency Index 2021-22

State Energy Efficiency Index 2021-22

Why in news?  Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Kerala, Rajasthan and Telangana, front-runners in State Energy Efficiency Index 2021-22.


  • Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Kerala, Rajasthan and Telangana – are in the Front Runner category (>60 points)
  • 4 states – Assam, Haryana, Maharashtra, and Punjab – are in the Achiever category (50-60 points).
  • Further, Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh, Assam and Chandigarh are the top-performing states in their respective state groups.
  • Telangana and Andhra Pradesh showed the most improvement since the last index.

About the report

  • The index developed by the Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE), a statutory body under the Ministry of Power, in association with Alliance for an Energy-Efficient Economy (AEEE)
  • Report assesses, the annual progress of states and UTs in energy efficiency implementation, for FY 2020-21 and 2021-22.
  • The index is designed to help track progress on state goals for energy savings and reduction in emission intensity and outlines the following recommendations to help states drive change in EE which will contribute towards the fulfillment of SDGs and NDC.

About BEE

  • The Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE) is setup under the provisions of the Energy Conservation Act, 2001.
  • The mission of the Bureau of Energy Efficiency is to assist in developing policies and strategies with a thrust on self-regulation and market principles, within the overall framework of the Energy Conservation Act, 2001 with the primary objective of reducing the energy intensity of the Indian economy.
  • The Energy Conservation Act provides for regulatory and promotional functions.