Published on: March 21, 2022
Dishaank is an application developed by Karnataka to ensure easy access to land records
- Developed under the Geographical Information System (GIS) program of the Karnataka State Remote Sensing Applications Center (KSRSAC)
- The Survey Settlement and Land Records (SSLR) unit of Karnataka’s revenue department is ensuring easy availability of original land records through the app
- Leverages Karnataka’s decision to digitize land records under the Bhoomi project
- Availability of digitized, scanned & geo-referenced maps, made it easier to build the app
- Provides information about the land, which includes the name of the landowner, the extent of land, type of ownership, type of land, litigations, land category, and any other active transactions being done on the land
- Help in reducing land disputes and will bring transparency in the maintenance of land records
- Purpose is only to provide clarity on the original status of land and the app should not be used for legal purposes in any land-related disputes