Published on: April 19, 2023

Global Buddhist Summit

Global Buddhist Summit

Why in news? India will host an international summit on Buddhism in Delhi on April 20 and 21.


  • Delegates from 30 countries will participate, a notable exception being China.
  • The maiden conference being organized by the Union Culture Ministry and the International Buddhist Confederation will discuss contemporary global issues through a Buddhist perspective.
  • Over 170 delegates from countries such as Mexico, Cambodia, Laos, Thailand and Japan, and 150 from India will participate in the summit to be held in the national capital.
  • The delegates include prominent scholars, monks, diplomats and members of Buddhist organisations across the globe. The largest number of delegates are from Sri Lanka (20) and Vietnam (30).

Aim of the summit:

  • The summit aims to find solutions to problems such as climate change, poverty, and conflict, among others, by exploring the Buddhist teachings and practices.
  • The summit aims to enhance cultural and diplomatic relationships with other countries and mark the significance and importance of India in Buddhism, as Buddhism was born in India.

Inauguration and theme of the  conclave

  • The conference themed “Responses to contemporary challenges from philosophy to praxis” will be inaugurated by Prime Minister Narendra Modi.

The discussion will be under four themes —

  • Buddha Dhamma and peace,
  • Buddha Dhamma: environmental crisis, health and sustainability,
  • preservation of Nalanda Buddhist tradition and
  • Buddhist pilgrimage,living heritage and relics

Buddhist councils in the past

Councils Patronage Period Place Presided  by Objective
First King Ajatasatru of Haryanka dynasty 483 BC Sattapani caves (Sattaparnaguha) in Rajagriha Mahakassapa.


to preserve the Buddha’s teachings.

Ananda composed the Suttapitaka (Buddha’s Teachings) and Mahakassapa composed the Vinaypitaka (monastic code).


Second King Kalasoka of Sisunaga dynasty 383 BC Vaishali. Sabakami to discuss ten disputed points under the Vinaypitaka.


Third Emperor Ashoka of Maurya dynasty. 250 BC Pataliputra Mogaliputta Tissa to purify Buddhism from opportunistic factions and corruption in the Sangha.

The Abhidhamma Pitaka was composed here making the almost completion of the modern Pali Tipitaka.

Fourth King Kanishka of Kushan dynasty 1st century AD (72 AD) Kundalvana in Kashmir Vasumitra and Ashvaghosha Abhidhamma texts were translated from Prakrit to Sanskrit